Sunday, September 1, 2024, 10:25 am
Online on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620
Passcode: BUF
Zoom by phone, for audio only: (346) 248-7799
Meeting ID: 738 363 620
Passcode: 306220
You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Gathering Music Improvisational music by Jaco ten Hove and Andrea Rackl
Welcome /Announcements Rev Barbara W. ten Hove, affiliated minister
Singing Together #395, Sing and Rejoice
Opening Words Carrie Koehnline
Singing Together #203, All Creatures of our Earth and Sky
Chalice Lighting & Covenant Steffany Raynes
Singing the Children Out From You I Receive…
Reading To Learn from Animal Being by John O’Donohue
Message, part 1 Steffany Raynes
Singing Together #194, Faith is a Forest
Message, part 2 Carrie Koehnline
Singing Together #123, Spirit of Life
Offertory Nocturne in C# Minor, by Chopin
Andrea Rackl
Closing words
Extinguish Chalice
Singing Together #155, Circle Round
If you’re with us on Zoom today, please stay after the service for our online coffee hour. If you’re here in person, please join us downstairs for coffee and conversation. Visitors: you may wish to use a red cup — then we’ll know you’re open to a bit of orientation.
If you’re new, we’d be grateful to have you provide us with contact information so we can let you know what’s happening here. There are buff-colored visitor contact cards in the pew racks, and in the entryway, that you can drop in the collection basket. Or provide your contact information HERE.
Contributions payable to “BUF” may be sent to:
1207 Ellsworth Street, Bellingham 98225
For info about donating online (credit card or PayPal), by automatic bank transfer, or via phone apps, see the “give” button in the upper right-hand corner at buf.org or contact the office: (360) 733-3837 / admin@buf.org