Social & Environmental Justice Committee
We acknowledge the land and Territory of the Lummi and Nooksack People’s. Their presence is imbued in these mountains, valleys, waterways, and shorelines. May we nurture our relationship with our Coast Salish neighbors and the shared responsibilities to their homelands, where we all reside today.
We, the BUF Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC), affirm and promote peace, justice and equality through action, education and raising awareness within our community and the wider world. We are a combined Social Justice and Green Sanctuary committee.
Much of our work is performed by issue specific Ministry Action Teams. We also act through Project Teams and Partnerships. As a whole we meet three times a year, with the dates set a year in advance. Our next meetings of the committee as a whole are scheduled for Sunday January 27, 2025; April 27, 2025; and October, 2025. Next Program meeting dates are to be determined.
For requests of the SEJC between meetings (co-sponsorships, funds, volunteers, etc.), please complete our SEJC Request Form, which will be reviewed by our executive team.
Our SEJC Executive Team:
Todd Jones – Chair
Grace Nyblade – Vice Chair
Ann Stevenson – Secretary
Kara Black – Treasurer
Deborah Cruz – Action Team Coordinator
Michael Betz – Communications Coordinator
(open) – Nominating Chair
SEJC Documents (Minutes, Reports, etc.)
To be added to the SEJC email discussion group (listserv), send an email message to SEJC Listserv. In the body of the message include a short description of your involvement with BUF, your interest in the SEJC, and your name.
For information about regional UU justice events and projects, check out JUUstice Washington. JUUstice Washington is a social and environmental justice network of UU members and congregations and their allies and partners from around the Pacific Northwest region. This network provides the leadership and resources to encourage and support collaboration on efforts to address justice issues, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The primary issue action areas include Climate Justice, Racial Justice, Criminal Justice Reform, Economic Justice, Refugee/Immigration/Migrant Solidarity (RIMS), and First/American Indian Nations (FAIN). It also provides assistance and resources to other justice issue efforts and formation of action teams within congregations and within the network.