Worship Programs
Sunday Services
We use the word “worship,” to refer to the ancient root of this word, which means: “acknowledgement of that which is worthy.”
So, what is worthy of our attention? What values should be held up as primary? Each UU congregation has to decide this for itself, week after week, by asking: “What is it that we, uniquely, can and must do, in this time and place, to best use the gifts and resources that we have been given?”
The purpose of our gatherings on Sunday mornings is to reflect on our successes and challenges in living according to our principles, to gain strength from our growing relationships, and to renew our commitments.
Sunday services begin at 10:25 am and last a little more than an hour. Afterward we gather for healthy and/or sweet treats and conversation. Please dress however you feel comfortable.
Taizé Services
On the first Monday of each month from 7-8 pm we offer a Taizé service in the sanctuary. Taizé offers an opportunity for quiet reflection in the midst of our busy lives. It is a service of candlelight, simple music sung in a chant-like manner, readings and silence. Sensitively accompanied on the piano by Andrea Rackl, we will hear Taizé melodies, beautiful yet powerful in their simplicity. To inspire reflection during this intimate one-hour oasis of calm, readings are offered from carefully selected writings on a particular theme each month. Following a time for silent meditation, there is an invitation to light candles as prayers for peace, healing, or for whatever is on your mind or in your heart.