Your donations are always welcome and appreciated. Contributions may be made by check to Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, 1207 Ellsworth St., Bellingham WA 98225.
Alternatively, donation or pledge payments may be made electronically. See the options below.
Pledges are also welcome at any time. To submit your pledge for the coming church year, go to 2025-2026 Pledge Drive.
Breeze (Membership Directory)
Pledge payments may be made through the Membership Directory database. Log in and select the GIVE option. Payments can also be made via text to 360-345-3933 (for example “$5 SEJC” or “$5 Plate”).
Bank ETF
To set up automatic monthly pledge payments from your bank account, print the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Form. Fill out the form and bring or send it to the BUF office with a voided check. For further questions, contact the office.
PayPal app
You can make a one-time or monthly gift through your PayPal account or a major credit card using the yellow “Donate” button below. (Using this method of payment, BUF will not receive 100% of the donation. PayPal takes a fee of 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction, i.e. BUF receives $96.80 of a $100 donation.)
All donations go to the General Fund unless otherwise specified in the “optional” dropdown. Contact the office for more information.