Youth Group (6-12th grade)
This year’s Youth Group will be following the Popcorn Theology UU curriculum. Popcorn Theology explores UU values through film, community, and conversation. Award-winning and critically acclaimed movies such as Forrest Gump, Spiderman, and Traitor are among the many films Popcorn Theology utilizes to facilitate discussions around responsibility, gratitude, social justice, and more. The Youth Group meets 1-2 times a month on Sundays at 4:00 PM. It’s facilitated this year by Gabe Epperson, Jen Villalva, and Noreen Fujita-Sacco. Contact Religious Education Coordinator for details.


We encourage youth to bring passion and a desire to see change; to be prepared to exercise their hearts, minds and spirits—and know that we’re here for each youth on their path. We choose curricula that explore identity and help us learn about the sacred, about others, about oneself. We aim to discover what it means to have a personal faith that is anchored by diversity and acceptance.

Unitarian Universalists believe in supporting our youth and young adults through times of transition, such as life stages, relationships, home, work, and identity. These life stages are full of changes that include loss, gain, confusion and growth. Our faith helps us make meaning of the changes we may experience. Thus, every year, we celebrate youth who complete high school with a bridging ceremony during Sunday service.