Take Time Back

Presence creates a sense of home.  How do we create pockets of ‘rest’ in which to Be, in one place only, and resist nonstop calls to connect and Do?

Lessons from Laughter

What can you learn from a laugh? Can it give you a life lesson?  Can it ease your burden? Help you roll with the punches? Stop anxiety or anger? Join us for a service which will include both lessons AND laughter.

Questionable Language: Words Matter

Does our everyday language subconsciously reinforce white primacy? Do negative connotations of “dark” and “black” and positives of “light” and “white” affect how we see one another? Is there a difference between being racist and having racism? Let’s question together!

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom:
https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF
Order of Service

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