People I Love in Tanzania
The Nyblade Legacy in Tanzania
(or, The American Lutheran Missionary Legacy in Tanzania)
Two Views of Tanzania and Tanzanians today, with music, slides and videos
Presented by Kevin Allen-Schmid, with Rev Paul Beckel and Andrea Rackl
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 10:25 am
Online on Zoom:
Passcode: BUF
Zoom by phone, for audio only: (346) 248-7799
Meeting ID: 738 363 620
Passcode: 306220
Gathering Music Ufie III, by Christian Onyehi (Nigeria
Song Bwana Awabariki (The Lord Bless You, Hymn 1033)
Chalice Lighting Kuwasha Mwenge (To Light a Torch)
Julius Nyerere, paraphrasing St Francis, read by Alan Friedlob
Love is the spirit of this fellowship, and service gives it life.
Celebrating our diversity, and joined by a quest for truth,
We work for peace, and honor all creation.
This is our covenant.
Children’s Focus We All Went on Safari, by Krebs and Cairns
Song Siyahamba (We Are Marching, Hymn 1030)
View One People I Love in Tanzania
Phoenix Ensemble Songs of Protest and Praise from Apartheid Era South Africa
Siph’ Amandla (Give Us Power)
Bamthata (He’s Locked Up)
View Two The Nyblade (or, American Lutheran Missionary)
Legacy in Tanzania
Response Carl Nyblade
Offertory Deep River, arranged Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
(Britain/Sierra Leone)
Song We Shall Not Give Up the Fight
Song Circle ‘Round for Freedom (Hymn 155)
Circle ‘round for freedom, circle ‘round for peace.
For all of us imprisoned, circle for release.
Circle for the planet, circle for each soul.
For the children of our children, keep the circle whole.
If you’re with us on Zoom today, please stay after the service for our online coffee hour. If you’re here in person, please join us downstairs for coffee and conversation. Visitors: you may wish to use a red cup — then we’ll know you’re open to a bit of orientation.
If you’re new, we’d be grateful to have you provide us with contact information so we can let you know what’s happening here. There are buff-colored visitor contact cards in the pew racks, and in the entryway, that you can drop in the collection basket. Or provide your contact information HERE.
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1207 Ellsworth Street, Bellingham 98225
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People I Love in Tanzania
Gabi and Aat vanderWel
Gabi, an elementary teacher and principal, and Aat, a water engineer and development specialist, raised their family and worked their entire careers in Tanzania, and have now retired in Moshi.
Simon Mtuy
A world champion athlete, tour and expedition operator and organic permaculture farmer, Simon is married to an American research doctor at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre. Their two teenage boys attend the international school in Moshi.
Elly Nkya
A retired biology teacher from the international school in Moshi, Elly is known worldwide as a curriculum writer and trainer of international baccalaureate level science teachers.
Peter Sangawe
A retired math teacher from the international school in Moshi, Peter lives with his wife and multi-generational family on a coffee and banana shamba (small-scale farm) in Moshi.
Eric Ng’maryo
Lawyer who takes cases at national and international levels, Eric specializes in children’s rights. He is also an avid actor, poet, writer, historian and student of traditional Chagga tribal religion.
Randy Stubbs
An American Lutheran music missionary teaching at Makumira University, Randy established a multi-million dollar Cultural Arts Centre and directs uniquely African music and music technology degree programs.
Erik, Bernice & Shesha Rowberg
The son of an American Lutheran missionary doctor, Erik helped establish the internet in northern Tanzania and now trains and employs hundreds of tech workers. His wife Bernice is a retired administrator of World Vision, Tanzania, and is active in the Seventh Day Adventist church. Their daughter Shesha works for Red Knot Racing, a non-profit adventure travel and development agency.
Paulo Lazaro
Maasai Lutheran evangelist, choir director and tour guide based in the village of Kitumbeine.
Dr. Steve Friberg
The son of the missionary founder of Makumira University, Dr Steve runs a Maasai women’s health clinic in Kitumbeine, where his wife leads a women’s craft marketing project. They are two of only about a dozen American missionaries still remaining in the country supported by the American Lutheran church today, from a high of over 200 American missionary families in the 1960s and 1970s.
Sylvia Emmanuel
Raised in Tanzania by two British colonial era doctors, Sylvie taught English at a Lutheran high school and she raised a family with a Greek mountaineer and coffee farmer on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. Although their coffee estate was nationalized, Sylvie has been able to stay in her home and gardens.
Urio Godslove
An avid runner and father of a young family, Urio works as a gardener while training to become a climbing guide on Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru.