Speaker: Tom Nicholas

Centering for Courage

Reflections on these words of Victor Frankl: Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

The Rituals of our Lives

Consciously or unconsciously, rituals shape our lives. Today we’ll consider how to make (the ones we want to continue) more meaningful. We’ll also have a ceremony of welcome four new BUF members!

Love Changes Us

Rev. Paul Beckel and Tom Nicholas have asked an assortment of BUFsters, “How has love changed you?” We’ll assemble their responses into a multi-hued mosaic of life, loss, and awakening.

Rocked by the Infinite

The late US poet laureate Stanley Kunitz wrote poems that speak powerfully to what it means to be human, particularly in the face of love and loss. This service of poetry and reflections will be supported by improvisational music by pianist Andrea Rackl.


In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service Easter story’s power is that each of us has some personal experience involving: •       Finding ourselves exiled, or having a big blow to our expectations •       Being in-between—a time of retreat or fear •       Finding a … Continue reading Transformation