Speaker: Carrie Koehnline

Blessing the Lives We Actually Have

In-Person AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620 Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Celebrate resurrection and the practice of mindfulness including traditional Easter hymns in contemporary settings, and a beautiful rendition of the Heart Sutra mantra, Gate, Gate sung by the Chalice Choir. Rev. Tessie Mandeville will deliver a message on this convergence, an opportunity to find … Continue reading Blessing the Lives We Actually Have

Wild Communion: Connecting with Sacred Nature

In-Person AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620 Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service This morning we introduce the practice of Communing, a gentle way to shift a mindset from dominion OVER the earth to being a humble part of the sacred, interconnected web of life. You are invited to bring a small natural object that intrigues you. … Continue reading Wild Communion: Connecting with Sacred Nature

The Landscapes Around Us and Inside Us

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/738363620 Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Deserts, Forests, Oceans and Rivers, Mountains, and Grasslands are all deeply complex ecosystems that we can commune with as old friends and powerful strangers. They are also archetypes that live in our psyches, each providing us pathways to growth and healing. More details.