Archives: Services

Impedimentia (On Being Stuck)

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Whether it’s habitual procrastination, the age of overwhelm, or post-pandemic bewilderment of “where do we go from here?” it’s all too easy to find oneself stuck in place — or moving, but in a rut. What are the merits, though, of going fallow? More … Continue reading Impedimentia (On Being Stuck)

Mystery, Awe, and Wonder in Religion and Science

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service In honor of the birthday of Charles Darwin, we’ll consider how both religion and science explore and respond to mystery with wonder and awe. More details

The Paradox of Good Enough

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service We hear so many messages about doing more and doing better. Sometimes that’s motivating, but sometimes it’s just discouraging. So, sometimes “good enough” can be not only comforting, but motivating as well. More details


In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service The adventure begins! How has it changed you? What have you learned about yourself? More details

Liberation and Christian Ideals

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service On this MLK weekend, let’s consider the Christian spirit with which Dr. King led the civil rights movement — a liberatory Christianity rooted in inclusion and respect for the dignity of all people. More details

Wild Communion: Connecting with Sacred Nature

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service This morning we introduce the practice of Communing, a gentle way to shift a mindset from dominion OVER the earth to being a humble part of the sacred, interconnected web of life. You are invited to bring a small natural object that intrigues you. … Continue reading Wild Communion: Connecting with Sacred Nature

What Gives You Hope?

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service We will share answers to the question, “What sustains you and gives you hope?” in the form of poetry, short stories, original art, dances and music. More details  

Christmas Eve Service

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Our annual Christmas Eve service will include the Christmas story, thoughtful reflections, choral, carols and other music, darkness and, of course, candles. A special collection for the Interfaith Coalition will be received. Invite your friends and family! More details.  

Wonder in the Natural World

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service We celebrate the wonders of the earth and skies; the dark and the light; sun, moon, shadows, cycles, and mysteries. More details.  

A Ceremony of Carols

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service BUF’s annual holiday music service, featuring a forty-five voice choir and soloists singing Britten’s magnificent “Ceremony of Carols,” accompanied by Jill Whitman, WWU professor of harp. Followed by our spectacular annual BUF holiday potluck lunch! More details.