Archives: Services

Progressive Sexuality Education

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Our Commitment to Sexual Wholeness and Education in these Times, Part Two. Speakers will include BUF members who have taught the “Our Whole Lives” sexuality education curriculum, and Jenn Mason, Bellingham school board member. More details.  

Trans Day of Remembrance

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service BUF is marking National Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) with a special service, including poems, readings, songs and stories by trans people and allies, including our own Erika Shepherd, Hank Ohana, Connie Murphy, and Marian Bedill. More details.  

Evolving Partnerships

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Unitarian Universalists globally are rethinking the nature of our international partnerships. To put it in a local context: is BUF’s relationship with our partner congregation in Magyarszovat lopsided/paternalistic? How might re-envisioning our collective partnerships help us to make our personal partnerships more truly mutual? … Continue reading Evolving Partnerships

‘Til All of us Arrive

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Kristina Michele Martens, who partnered with BUF’s Black Lives Matter team to create a George Floyd Memorial in Fouts Park, will share some of the energy behind current justice initiatives in Bellingham. Note: Following the November 6 service, we will walk together to Fouts … Continue reading ‘Til All of us Arrive

Demons, and G-d with 2 Oh’s

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Throughout time, human cultures have attempted to describe and cope with their experience of life via images and stories of gods and demons. Today we’ll consider a variety of past or existing models and reflect on which parts resonate with our own experience of … Continue reading Demons, and G-d with 2 Oh’s

Listening (Being Available for Connection)

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service In telling our stories we get the opportunity to be heard, to be known, to deliver first person accounts. But storytelling, as in all forms of communication, requires a listener. What kind of listener are you? More details.  

Tragic Investment

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service James, author of Tragic Investment, is joined by Mel to talk about how race sabotages communities and jeopardizes America’s future—and what we can do about it. More details.  

Beloved Community is Like a Nurse Log

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Resilient, sustainable, regenerative community doesn’t come out of nowhere, but we are not nowhere. Forests are built and rebuilt on nurse logs. In what ways can BUF’s resources, including our own lives, be nurse logs for forests to come? More details.  

A Common Purpose

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Congregations have found a variety of ways to further the cause of social betterment: advocacy and agitation; caring, sanctuary, learning; support for individuals and community. Post 2020, what might our common vision be for BUF?  More details.