Speaker: Rev. Paul Beckel

Reverent Humanism

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service Humanism is generally thought of as non-theistic and down-to earth. At our worst, UU Humanists can be as sanctimonious and out of touch as any other strain of fundamentalism. At our best, we immerse ourselves in relationships, art, and our connections with … Continue reading Reverent Humanism

Sacred Places

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service Sacred places engage all of our senses: sight, hearing, touch, and scent, but hopefully flavors too as we share food and drink. And of course our sense of “proprioception” — our perception of our body’s movement and balance. All of these can … Continue reading Sacred Places

Rhythms of Community

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service On appreciating the rhythms of repeating cycles in our lives, while remaining open to freshness and change. More details

Sanctuary vs Fortress

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service Vulnerability has its pros and cons. Boundaries have their pros and cons. Sanctuary, which is essential, can have a shadow side. More details

Finding and Offering Sanctuary

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service When serenity and balance are elusive, sanctuary offered can be sanctuary found. More details

Mortality, Nostalgia, and Honor

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service Reflections on those who died in 2023: the famous, infamous, and those too easily forgotten who have colored my world, and BUF-sters, colleagues, and animal companions. Reflections, too, on reflecting, nostalgia, and self-awareness. More details

Within the Shining of a Star – A Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service (Note: there will be NO Sunday morning service) Join us for a service of carols, readings, a brief message and, of course, candlelight! The choir will sing and the candle dancers are back! A special collection for the Interfaith Coalition will be … Continue reading Within the Shining of a Star – A Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Generosity of Spirit

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF Order of Service Fatigue and resistance are understandable reactions to the many demands of the holiday season. So what might we do when we’re pressed up against our limits of time or finances—and even our ideals of unlimited goodwill? More details