For videos of past services, go to the BUF YouTube Channel.

What’s Your Story?

Stories explain a lot.  If we’re lucky, we might live a story or come across a story that doesn’t necessarily resolve conundrums and anguishes, but somehow shifts us to a new place, a new understanding and sometimes even a new acceptance.

Rocked by the Infinite

The late US poet laureate Stanley Kunitz wrote poems that speak powerfully to what it means to be human, particularly in the face of love and loss. This service of poetry and reflections will be supported by improvisational music by pianist Andrea Rackl.

Monthly Taizé Service

Taizé services originated in the monastic community in Taizé, France in the 1940s. At BUF, we have created our own UU-style Taizé service that draws from one of our sources — direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder.