Archives: Services

Rocked by the Infinite

The late US poet laureate Stanley Kunitz wrote poems that speak powerfully to what it means to be human, particularly in the face of love and loss. This service of poetry and reflections will be supported by improvisational music by pianist Andrea Rackl.

Monthly Taizé Service

Taizé services originated in the monastic community in Taizé, France in the 1940s. At BUF, we have created our own UU-style Taizé service that draws from one of our sources — direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder.

Livestream from the UUA General Assembly

Join thousands of UUs from around the country gathering to sing and to reflect on our vision for our future. More here:

Farewell to Kevin and Genia

With hoopla and gratitude for Genia and Kevin Allen-Schmid, we will honor their ministries to BUF and celebrate their retirements. Potluck afterward—please bring food to share.

Monthly Taizé Service

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Taizé services originated in the monastic community in Taizé, France in the 1940s. At BUF, we have created our own UU-style Taizé service that draws from one of our sources — direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder.

Building Bridges

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Order of Service A child dedication, middle schoolers Building Bridges, and a Bridging ceremony for our high school graduate. More details

Flower Communion

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Order of Service Reflecting upon the spectacular beauty of our transient selves and surroundings, we’ll create a mandala of flowers and other organic treasures. Please bring flowers, etc., to release—both as natural beauties and as symbols of more personal things you wish to let go … Continue reading Flower Communion

Listening Forward

In-Person in the sanctuary AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Order of Service The UUA is on the verge of adopting a new identity statement. BUF, too, is listening to the forward call of who we are becoming. What resources will guide and support this continual transformation? More details