Speaker: Pam Graham

Questionable Language: Words Matter

Does our everyday language subconsciously reinforce white primacy? Do negative connotations of “dark” and “black” and positives of “light” and “white” affect how we see one another? Is there a difference between being racist and having racism? Let’s question together!

How Our Rights Matter

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620; Passcode: BUF A service led by David Curley with the Black Lives Matter Task Force and Pam Graham. Special guest speaker will be Brian Womack, a human rights leader and justice advocate in our community, with special music by Joel Johnson. More details

Listening (Being Available for Connection)

In-Person AND on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/738363620 Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service In telling our stories we get the opportunity to be heard, to be known, to deliver first person accounts. But storytelling, as in all forms of communication, requires a listener. What kind of listener are you? More details.