Speaker: Rev. Paul Beckel

Dinner & Singing

Dear BUF Community, Let’s gather tonight simply to be with one another in this time of grief. We’ll begin at 6 pm with a modified Community Night Dinner. Since our cooks did not anticipate a larger group, please bring something to share. At 6:45, we’ll gather in the sanctuary for about 20 minutes of singing all … Continue reading Dinner & Singing

Can We All Get Along?

Each of us has some, or many, personal connections to conflicts going on around the world and here at home. Not the least of these connections: our common humanity. This week between Yom Kippur and Native American Day, Rupert will share reflections on living within cultural, geographic, and moral intersections.

Love Changes Us

Rev. Paul Beckel and Tom Nicholas have asked an assortment of BUFsters, “How has love changed you?” We’ll assemble their responses into a multi-hued mosaic of life, loss, and awakening.

The First Stone

Hypocrisy is so, so alluring. And it’s even more tempting to point it out in others. As we advocate for justice, there is a place for righteousness. But that’s different from self-righteousness.

Water Communion

Each year we gather to celebrate the gift of water and to acknowledge how—in its flow within us and throughout the world—it connects every being. Today I invite you to bring a bit of water; each of us will pour a bit into our common bowl and share a word about its meaning to us … Continue reading Water Communion