Archives: Services

Grace-full Living

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Rod and Paul will share some thoughts about responding to both our difficult and the delightful encounters with grace and dignity. More details

Blessing the Lives We Actually Have

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Celebrate resurrection and the practice of mindfulness including traditional Easter hymns in contemporary settings, and a beautiful rendition of the Heart Sutra mantra, Gate, Gate sung by the Chalice Choir. Rev. Tessie Mandeville will deliver a message on this convergence, an opportunity to find … Continue reading Blessing the Lives We Actually Have

Monthly Taizé Service

In-person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Or dial: (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 753 181 200) Taizé services originated in the monastic community in Taizé, France in the 1940s. At BUF, we have created our own UU-style Taizé service that draws from one of our sources — direct experience of that transcending mystery and … Continue reading Monthly Taizé Service

Embodied Consciousness

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Madeline McNeill explores the spirit of body and voice — reflecting on the core postures of “yes” and “no” which we learn as children … how we exercise these in our bodies … and how we find our own “yes” experience and affirm it … Continue reading Embodied Consciousness

Being in Service to Wholeness

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service The Coordinator of Congregational Activism at the UU Service Committee, will speak about that group’s work around the country with UU State Action Networks, and others supporting asylum seekers around the world…and how our shared UU principles and collective mission drive this work. More … Continue reading Being in Service to Wholeness

Articulating UU

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service How do newcomers perceive BUF and Unitarian Universalism? Today a large group of new members will introduce themselves. And those who took part in last fall’s “Intro UU” class will speak about what UUism means to them. More details

A Culture of Reciprocity

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Sometimes we’re unsure how to say yes and how to say no. It’s so powerful when we have relationships – and develop a congregational culture – in which giving, receiving, asking, demurring…all of it can be done without awkwardness or doubt of others’ true … Continue reading A Culture of Reciprocity

Forward through the Ages

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Our statement of UUA principles and sources has served to identify us for 40 years. Today we begin the conversation at BUF about a proposal to be considered at this summer’s General Assembly. More details

Eliminating Racism: Beginning with Ourselves

In-Person AND on Zoom: Meeting passcode: BUF Order of Service Dr. Damani Johnson is a retired professor of Civic Education at WWU. In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, he has advised grassroots groups and government officials on ways to eliminate systemic racism from their institutions. More details