Archives: Services

Partner Church Celebration

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Join us as we celebrate the many years of friendship with Magyarszovat Unitarian Church, our partner congregation in Romania. Rev. Tamas Balasz is retiring and he and his wife will join us for this special recognition of our many years of relationship. More details

How Our Rights Matter

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF A service led by David Curley with the Black Lives Matter Task Force and Pam Graham. Special guest speaker will be Brian Womack, a human rights leader and justice advocate in our community, with special music by Joel Johnson. More details

Monthly Taizé Service

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BET Taizé services originated in the monastic community in Taizé, France in the 1940s. At BUF, we have created our own UU-style Taizé service that draws from one of our sources — direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder.

Wounded Words

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Religious language can be challenging for UUs. Is it OK to use the word God? Am I allowed to pray? This service challenges our preconceptions about religious words and invites us to engage with them in new and meaningful ways. More details

Finding Home

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Looking at 3 people: a refugee, a prisoner on death row, and an adoptee, we’ll reflect on what drives their particular passions for home, what stands in their way, and what solutions may be found. Considering other seekers may help us to reflect on … Continue reading Finding Home

Gospel of UUism through Hymns

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Music plays an important part of religion and our UU faith is no exception. This service will explore some of our favorite hymns and the story they tell us about our theology and beliefs. More details

Islam Inquiry: Why Muhammad?

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF The founding figure of Islam and his life’s context are worth considering as we try to grasp why he inspires such dedication among his followers, then and now. More details

Monthly Taizé Service

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BET Taizé services originated in the monastic community in Taizé, France in the 1940s. At BUF, we have created our own UU-style Taizé service that draws from one of our sources — direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder.

Finding Connection with Nature in the Summer

In person in the sanctuary, AND on Zoom:; Passcode: BUF Even though summer invites us to be outdoors, really connecting with the natural world can be unexpectedly challenging. In this experiential service Carrie and Steffany invite you to consider simple communing practices wherever you find yourself, even in your back yard or a tiny … Continue reading Finding Connection with Nature in the Summer